In this thought-provoking episode of The Handshake, we dive deep into the critical intersection of AI and education, examining how the rapid advancement toward AI singularity and agentic educational technology is reshaping our learning landscape. Drawing from the OECD and UNESCO AI competency frameworks, we explore the delicate balance between leveraging AI’s potential and preserving essential human elements in education. The discussion tackles pressing questions about teacher autonomy, student agency, and the ethical implications of AI integration in classrooms.
We examine the urgent need for structured career progression frameworks for educators and debate whether current AI competency frameworks, developed without longitudinal evidence, can effectively guide this transformation. Most crucially, we confront the growing gap between AI’s rapid evolution and human preparedness in education, highlighting the imperative for educators to not only upskill but actively shape AI’s development for educational applications. This episode offers critical insights for educators, administrators, and policymakers grappling with preparing students for an AI-transformed future while preserving the irreplaceable human elements of teaching and learning.