Our Approach

Careers have become ‘individual scripts’ (Savicas et al. 2009) as people now have to rethink their careers on a continuous basis requiring skills to adapt and manage change across the lifespan.

THC Consult offers a career development service which incorporates comprehensive occupational psychometric testing (to British Psychological Society standards), including analysis of competencies and experience to produce optimum career options plans for you. An in-depth career development report, coaching and shadowing follow.

“The career paths of our grandparents are also long gone. Very few people work for the same company for 40, 20, or even 10 years like they used to. In previous times, employees were content to climb the corporate ladder within a single company, and happy to work the long hours necessary to slowly make their way up the ranks. Now they’re forging their own career paths, switching companies and even industries as they choose.”

Jacob Morgan, 2014


Teresa Hand-Campbell is founder and Director of THC Consultancy Ltd. (Total Human Capital) based in the Midlands of Ireland.  She has over 30 years’ experience in professional leadership roles across both public and private organisations and is highly regarded for her work as a motivational speaker, business executive coach and career progression planner.

Call 085 811 5811 for a FREE, no-obligation consultation/quotation or complete our easy to use Contact Form


    THC Consult
    Glebe House
    Co. Roscommon
    N37 AD95

    Call: 0858115811
    Email: handcamt@tcd.ie