Careers /Education Consultancy Across the Lifespan

The notion of ‘career for life’ no longer exists. Instead we have entered the age of multiple work choices across the lifespan. The resultant synergies of skills and competencies make for vibrant and diverse individual and collective offerings in response to an incessantly changing world of work. ‘Adaptability’ is the new currency of success across all pillars of life – home, workplace, community and self-development. Furthermore, an ability to be at home with uncertainty breeds a new excitement and energy into future planning, replacing ‘fear’ with the giddiness of ‘promise’.

THC gives you the tools to make an informed decision regarding career options at any stage across the lifespan. ‘Rebooting’ and ‘Reinvention’ hold firm at THC Consult as Teresa augments the power of intergenerational learning in the workplace. Discussion and psychometrics help identify signature strengths and challenges and help pinpoint optimum professional development routes.  

Career choice and person-job fit remain relevant at every stage – from graduation to onboarding to career progression planning. 

THC Consult have earned a reputation for success in PSA – personnel selection and assessment. Equally, expertise in preparing candidates for interview success remains our signature strength.

Get in touch for a preliminary consultation

Call 085 811 5811 for a FREE, no-obligation consultation/quotation or complete our easy to use Contact Form


    THC Consult
    Glebe House
    Co. Roscommon
    N37 AD95

    Call: 0858115811